Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Would an App Be Profitable for Your Business?

There are a lot of Quad State businesses looking at the efficacy of an app adding to their bottom line. Sure an app would be a sexy addition to your business, but is it going to pay for itself?

We haven't written much on apps for a few months at the QSBJ, and yet our app network of app developers are enjoying some nice growth in their upticks in their business. Hence, we thought we should get with the program.

A Network of Quad State App Developers?

Yes, indeed. As most digital folks, the people in our network whom we 'bother' for app technology updates and information for a variety of industries all seem to be doing well.  And as many Quad State digital folks, their business doesn't all come from our Quad State region. Digital stuff can be done across the world.

But let's look at some fundamentals in app development.

We can create our own app!

Yes, that is true. With the platforms currently available, it is possible that you can create your own app--if you really want to. But there is a learning curve, and the learning curve doesn't start with technology. It starts internally. Let's get to the basic question first.

What Can an App Do For My Business--Really?

Now if you just go around and gather some ideas from your staff, you may come to the wrong conclusion--to build or not to build. Either decision can be the wrong one for your business if you are not thorough in your exploration of this question--maybe even to the point of bringing in an outsider, getting staff and a couple customers in the room and firing questions.

The internal stuff starts with your assessing a) your app potential; and b) is this the best way to deliver our goods and services; and c) can we afford the option that does us the most good?

The first actionable, however, should be making SURE your website shows up well in all kinds of handheld mobile devices (I-phones to tablets, etc.).

The next actionable is what is your website requiring readers to do--click a link, download a report, watch a video and so on. Just don't have the clicker leave your site thinking, "Hey, that was a cool site. Now I wonder what's another similar site...." Think actionable!

The next question you need to ask yourself is (per above) WHAT data do I want to display, inform or collect through a handheld device?

Enter Your Strategic Concept for Your App

Granted, you do NOT have to bring in a consultant to find out if an app is applicable to your business. An app is certainly not going to do much for an architect, attorney or an accountant--unless they are marketing a book or some 'consumable' product that can be delivered through a website or an app.

Stephen Covey told us to 'begin with the end in mind.' So that's a great place to start. So we have to decide where do we want our data for any perceived app to come from. In larger businesses, they have the IT department as the keepers of the data--usually.

In a singleton (sole proprietor) or less-than-five employees type of business, an app can still do wondrous things for you, but you still need to be building that decision tree analysis of how you want data (and maybe money) to flow.

In most enterprises, it is the IT departments mission to store and protect the data that comes from different parts of the enterprise. This is still true for the singleton-type business--we're talking much more than just mailing lists.

What Data is Relevant In My Business--Really

We've got so many sources where one can stuff data these days--whether or not you have no employees or a couple thousand. There's SalesForce, DropBox and other third-party storehouses. Internally, you can have options such as Open Directory or SharePoint software. There really is a vast array of the possibles here.

Is your data fully accessible? Just as there are many resting places for data, there are many nooks and crannies where it can become locked up or otherwise not accessible.

Do I Employ a Tech Wizard that Knows How to Build My App?

Ah, now the rubber is going to start hitting the proverbial road. Even if you know where the data is and can access it easily, does the person in your employ have the necessary SKILL SET to put YOUR KIND of needed app together? It's got to be the right KIND of app for your business.

This is not a pitch for outside Quad State app consultants to come in, but this is where mistakes can get costly if you only rely on internal talent. Now it might be that internal talent is ALL you need, but wouldn't it be worth a few bucks to find that info out?

Consultants can bring us a broad array of industry and technical information from a board base of clients. I used to tell people that I've never lost money hiring an outside pair of eyes and ears--and I've had other owners say the same. Consultants roam the proverbial street so being street-wise is good and something that your internal staff may be far away from.

The point here is to not jump the gun into 'cool designs' until you get the cool data questions all answered and have built a strategy. Now your initial strategy may be all wrong so that the second iteration of your app is successful. It's still money well spent.

Coming next time: Getting the Data, Specs and Content RIGHT!

Article first appeared: 

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