Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Six Reasons Quad State Business Are Missing Out on Revenue In the Mobile Revolution that Is Eclipsing Desktop

Six Reasons Quad State Business Are Missing Out on Revenue In the Mobile Revolution that Is Eclipsing Desktop

At first mobile was just the younger generations 'fad' many of us thought. I've got to confess, I was there, too.

A few years ago when our son in Florida decided that his parents should have a 'super' Scrabble board, he sent us a surprise gift card. When our son in California visited us, he thought the super-duper Deluxe Scrabble was indeed cool.

In trying to be helpful, I magnanimously offered to research the information the next time I was in my office. He just looked at me, smiled and whipped out his hand-held and took a picure of the UPC code. “That's ok, Mom,” he quipped, “I've got all the information right here.”

Our son's Washington County school teacher friend told us he was just amazed by all the people doing Christmas shopping. “I did all my Christmas shopping in 30 minutes with this, so that I could spend more time playing with my son,” as he held up his I-phone.

Savvy Advertisers Have the Wheel Again

A well-placed ad on either hand held device above could be as little as 17 cents with the digital options available to marketers today.

The re-targeting of ads (digital ads for products you show and interest in and follow you around the Web) is something local merchants are just now getting a handle on.

The pendulum has swung back in the favor of small business this time, if we can figure it out,” said Chris Grable a college professor and business owner.

The Quad State Business Journal has discover six (at least) key societal movements in which the local business would be wise to jump on.

The fascinating stat according to Forrester Research and other followers of Internet trends is that desktop advertising will peak THIS YEAR in 2014. Then it will start declining. Why the decline?

One word: mobile. The mobile hand held advertising is already at 20% of all web spending and will start to increase rapidly after 2014.

The key is for merchants and all marketers to be a player in both worlds, desktop AND mobile. Here are the six trends we found. These are trends taken from 782 sources, so we can be sure they are pretty firmed up.

  1. Smartphone and tablet penetration is really starting to catch hold in the US and the world. Some say tablets are the device of the future;
  2. As to the plethora of selections for the consumer, mobile devices are at the top of the communication food chain;
  3. Mobile is now at least 20 percent of all web traffic and search volume.
  4. The trend for mobile commerce is growing exponentially;
  5. Savvy marketers from local to national are ready for the action;
  6. Social media is known more and more as a mobile activity.

While total media spending shrank in the recent years because of our ongoing recession, it IS expected to return soon.

The number one issue that remains for businesses is making their websites mobile readable. One figure that continues to stand out is that fully 86% of all businesses have yet to have their site mobile-ready.


Find an inexpensive solution to make your site mobile readable:

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